Sunday, November 30


Tonight was fairly uneventful, thankfully.  I feel like I was phoning-in.  I tried to keep my head down.  I'm trying to train myself to ignore Stinky, pretend like he's not there.  I'm really not a big believer in the paranormal but I honestly feel like he's stealing my energy.

I met an extremely soft and friendly dog named Moose.

Yesterday I...
Drove 73 miles for 12 deliveries,
Made $34.84 in tips (4 , 5 , 2.63 , 3 , 5 , 2 , 2 , 3.44 , 6 , 0 , .77 , 1)
and essentially made $11.20 an hour.

Tonight I...
Drove 34 miles for 6 deliveries,
Made $20.03 in tips (3 , 4.03 , 0 , 4 , 6 , 3),
and essentially made $14.82 an hour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, he could be stealing your energy. It's not all that hard, some people put off a lot of good vibes and make everybody happy, and some people are just energy vacuums that suck up everything around them. I've sometimes forgotten to ground myself before a massage and picked up some bad energy and was physically ill. Also really cranky people I give them really positive energy and they tip me the best. Just throwing that out there, that you're not crazy.