Friday, November 28

11/28 War Won

The war with StinkyButtFace is unofficially over.  I overheard Stoner Manager telling El Jefe about the ridiculous things that Stinky was doing, so I'm pretty sure that I don't have to worry about making him look a fool, he's doing that on his own.

I delivered to a house that had some sort of elaborate intercom instead of a doorbell.  I seriously thought it was a security system thing and I wasn't about to start pushing buttons, so I just knocked and the first thing they asked was, "Did you ring the doorbell?"  Then I got lost in their neighborhood.

I hope everyone had as happy a Thanksgiving as I did!

Tonight I...
Drove 37 miles for 9 deliveries,
Received $24.88 in tips ( 1.18 , 3 , .16 , 0 , 5 , 5.46 , 3.64 , 3.44 , 3 ), 
and essentially made $13.55 an hour.

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