Thursday, December 18

12/18 Tee Hee Hee Hee ***bang***

StripperGirl laughs by saying Tee hee hee, like she's trying to be impish and cute but instead just irritates the shit out of me. Somehow last night she appointed herself queen of the make-line. I'm not sure if El Jefe encouraged this or just failed to discourage it. So between drill-seargentesque "Team, let's get those pizza's in the oven" she was tee-hee-ing and I was ready to smack her and yell, "I don't know who told you that was cute, but IT IS NOT! It is annoying, it is not impish, it is not cute." Also, apparently StripperGirl's Caveman did not leave but StinkyButtFace is now avoiding him because of the danger of beatdown (Caveman's assertion, not mine). I wish Stinky was avoiding me. Luckily he had the night off last night.

Last night I...
Drove 26 miles for 6 deliveries,
Made $15.51 in tips (1.16 , 3.16 , 4 , 3 , 3 , 1.19),
and essentially made $14.14 an hour.

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